The workshop will present the latest development of AL technology in electromagnetic wave and electromagnetic coupling with neuron-science, such as new electromagnetic challenges in AI chips, Neuromorphic Chips, heterogeneous package integration. The workshop consists of 4 speeches.
WS-2-1: Reinforcement Learning Based Semiconductor, and Package Designs for Signal Integrity and Power Integrity
Speaker: Prof. Joungho Kim, IEEE Fellow, KAIST
WS-2-2: Machine Learning Approaches and Data Driven Methods for the Electromagnetic Modeling
Speaker: Prof. Li-Jun Jiang, IEEE Fellow, University of Hong Kong
10:00-10:20: Break
WS-2-3: Deep Learning for EMC
Speaker: Prof. Jun Fan, IEEE Fellow, Missouri University of Science and Technology
WS-2-4: Electromagnetic Wave in Neuromorphic Chips
Speaker: Prof. Li Er-Ping, IEEE Fellow, Zhejiang University
The idea of the workshop is to invite worldwide research institutes, Universities, and companies to present their latest work on mmW antenna development. The topics in the workshop are all related to the new antenna development and its applications in MIMO Radar system. The topics may cover following area but not limited by those fields: new antenna proposal and its system implementation, new facilities of simulation tools and measurement tools, MIMO design in mmW Radar system, etc. The workshop consists of 8 speeches.
WS-1-1: Recent Development of Beam-Scanning Antenna Technologies and Implementations for Automotive Radar Systems in Millimeter-Wave Band and Above
Speaker: Prof. Kunio Sakakibara, Nagoya Institute of Technology
WS-1-2: Design Concepts for High Resolution mm-Wave MIMO Radar
Speaker: André Dürr, Ulm University
WS-1-3: Development of a Novel Circular Polarized Horn Antenna for the Automotive Radar Frequency Band
Speaker: Adam Weber, PSW automotive engineering GmbH
WS-1-4: Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging (FOWLP) AiP for 77GHz MIMO Radar Applications
Speaker: Dr. Mei Sun, IME A-Star
15:40-16:00: Break
WS-1-5: Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaged (FOWLP) mmWave Antennas Featuring Wide-Angle Beam Scanning for Automotive Applications
Speaker: Dr. Jae-Yeong Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology
WS-1-6: Advances in Metallized Polymer mmW Waveguide Antenna Design
Speaker: Dr. Francesco Merli, Huber & Suhner
WS-1-7: Hollow Waveguide-Based MIMO Antenna for Automotive Radar
Speaker 1: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bertuch, Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR
Speaker 2: Dr. Andreas Löffler, Continental, Autonomous Mobility and Safety
WS-1-8: Compact Slot Antenna Array for Automotive Radar Applications
Speaker: Dr. Niels Koch, Audi AG