TU-A1.3A: Phased Array Antennas I
Tue, 7 Dec, 08:20 - 12:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:20 - 05:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 00:20 - 04:00 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 19:20 - 23:00 New York Time (UTC -4)
Location: Peony Junior Ballroom 4411
Session Co-Chairs: Maria Pour, University of Alabama in Huntsville and Swaroop Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad
Session Manager: Room R3 Manager
Track: AP-S General Topics
Tue, 7 Dec, 08:20 - 08:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 00:20 - 00:40 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 19:20 - 19:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.1: On the Gain Loss of Wide-Angle Scanning Phased Arrays with Narrow- and Wide-beam Element Patterns

Matthew Adams, Maria Pour, University of Alabama in Huntsville, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 08:40 - 09:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 00:40 - 01:00 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 19:40 - 20:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.2: 360° Beam Steering with Circular Polarization Based on the Superposition of Circular TEn1 Modes

Fatemeh Akbar, Behzad Yektakhah, University of Michigan, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 09:00 - 09:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 02:00 - 02:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:00 - 01:20 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 20:00 - 20:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.3: Quasi-Optical Beamforming using Horizontal Dielectric Wedges

Pratik Ghate, Jonathan Bredow, University of Texas at Arlington, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 09:20 - 09:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 20:20 - 20:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.4: A Circular Polarized Ku-Band Phased Array using a Triangular Lattice

Raif Farkouh, Jia Chi Chieh, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 09:40 - 10:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 20:40 - 21:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.5: A Low-Profile Tapered Slot Antenna Array with Two-Decade (20:1) Bandwidth

Peter Moschetti, Roger Hasse, Joshua Gustafson, Thomas Hand, Joseph Torres, Lockheed Martin Space, United States
Tea Break
Tue, 7 Dec, 10:20 - 10:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 21:20 - 21:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.6: Ku-Band Dual Linear Polarized Flat Panel Phased Array Antenna with Very Low Cross Polarization

Connor Laffey, Satish Sharma, San Diego State University, United States; Tim Gilmore, Dell Kronewitter, Fuse Integration Inc, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 10:40 - 11:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 03:40 - 04:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 21:40 - 22:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.7: Design of a Circularly-Polarized Tightly-Coupled Microstrip Patch Array

Dong-Chan Son, Aman Samaiyar, Mohamed Elmansouri, Dejan Filipovic, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 11:00 - 11:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 04:00 - 04:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 03:00 - 03:20 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 22:00 - 22:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.8: Deployable Miura-Ori Tightly Coupled Dipole Array for Small Satellites

Maxence Carvalho, John L. Volakis, Florida International University, United States
Tue, 7 Dec, 11:20 - 11:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 04:20 - 04:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 22:20 - 22:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.9: Single-Feed Multi-beam Transmitarray Antenna Design Using Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization

Xuankai Zhao, Bo Li, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Lei Zhu, University of Macau, China
Tue, 7 Dec, 11:40 - 12:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Tue, 7 Dec, 04:40 - 05:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Tue, 7 Dec, 03:40 - 04:00 UTC
Mon, 6 Dec, 22:40 - 23:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TU-A1.3A.10: Analysis of Optimized Subarray Configuration for Cross Polarization Reduction for Phased Array Antennas used in Weather Radar

Steffy Benny, Swaroop Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India

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