TH-A1.3A: Wideband Phased Array Antennas II
Thu, 9 Dec, 08:20 - 12:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:20 - 05:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 00:20 - 04:00 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 19:20 - 23:00 New York Time (UTC -4)
Location: Peony Junior Ballroom 4411
Session Co-Chairs: Sven van Berkel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Bo Shi, Institute for Infocomm Research
Session Manager: Room R3 Manager
Track: AP-S General Topics
Thu, 9 Dec, 08:20 - 08:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 00:20 - 00:40 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 19:20 - 19:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.1: Two-way Passive Phased Array Antenna for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Signals

Zahra Rahimian Omam, Wael M. Abdel-Wahab, Naimeh Ghafarian, Suren Gigoyan, Safieddin Safavi-Naeini, University of Waterloo, Canada
Thu, 9 Dec, 08:40 - 09:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 00:40 - 01:00 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 19:40 - 20:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.2: An Inhomogeneous 3D Block Lens For Hemispherical Scan Coverage In Phased Arrays

Pramod Srinivas Bhat, Amrithaa Seshadri, John Sanford, University of California, San Diego, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 09:00 - 09:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 02:00 - 02:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:00 - 01:20 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 20:00 - 20:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.3: High Gain 6X6 Patch Phased Array Antenna For Millimeter-wave 5G Applications at 28 Ghz

Mohamed Lamine Seddiki, Mourad Nedil, University of Quebec at Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQAT), Canada
Thu, 9 Dec, 09:20 - 09:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 20:20 - 20:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.4: A Millimeter-Wave Wide Band, Wide Scanning Phased Array-Fed Reflector Architecture

Thomas Hand, Joseph Torres, Tonya Nielsen, Joshua Gustafson, Peter Moschetti, Lockheed Martin Space, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 09:40 - 10:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 20:40 - 21:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.5: Ultra-wideband CRLH magneto-electric phased array

Senglee Foo, Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada
Tea Break
Thu, 9 Dec, 10:20 - 10:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 21:20 - 21:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.6: Design of an Ultra-Broadband Phased Array Using Self-Similar Elements

Amrithaa Seshadri, Pramod Srinivas Bhat, John R. Sanford, University of California, San Diego, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 10:40 - 11:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 03:40 - 04:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 21:40 - 22:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.7: A Wideband Phased Array Antenna with Grating Lobe Cancellation

Jia-Chi Chieh, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, United States; Satish Sharma, Sanghmitro Das, San Diego State University, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 11:00 - 11:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 04:00 - 04:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 03:00 - 03:20 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 22:00 - 22:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.8: Compact Planar Design of 2-D Butler Matrix for Passive Beamforming of 2×2 Patch Array in D-Band

Kai-Qi Huang, Madhavan Swaminathan, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 11:20 - 11:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 04:20 - 04:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 22:20 - 22:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.9: A 1-D Submm-wave Leaky-Wave Phased Array using MEMS Phase Shifters

Sven van Berkel, Subash Khanal, Sofia Rahiminejad, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, Alain Maestrini, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States
Thu, 9 Dec, 11:40 - 12:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Thu, 9 Dec, 04:40 - 05:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Thu, 9 Dec, 03:40 - 04:00 UTC
Wed, 8 Dec, 22:40 - 23:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

TH-A1.3A.10: A Symmetrically Stacked Phased Array Exhibiting Enhanced Spherical Coverage CDF for mmWave Cellular Handsets with Metallic Frame

Junho Park, Ahmed Abdelmottaleb Omar, Jonghyun Kim, Jaehyun Choi, Wonbin Hong, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South); Beakjun Seong, Jongwoo Lee, Kreemo Inc, Korea (South)

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Nano Dimension / AME Academy

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Microwave Vision Group
Spring Technologies
Dassault Systemes