FR-UB.3A: Propagation, Scattering, Imaging and Remote Sensing II
Fri, 10 Dec, 08:20 - 12:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:20 - 05:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 00:20 - 04:00 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 19:20 - 23:00 New York Time (UTC -4)
Location: Virtual (Chairs/Speakers to go to Peony Ballroom 4502)
Session Co-Chairs: Yuan Fang, University of Southern California and Jiefu Chen, University of Houston
Session Manager: Room R13 Manager
Track: URSI-B Fields and Waves
Fri, 10 Dec, 08:20 - 08:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 00:20 - 00:40 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 19:20 - 19:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.1: A New Microwave Imaging System to Characterize the Dielectric Behavior of Organic Soil for Radar Remote Sensing Applications

Kazem Bakian-Dogaheh, Yuan Fang, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Mahta Moghaddam, University of Southern California, United States
Fri, 10 Dec, 08:40 - 09:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 00:40 - 01:00 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 19:40 - 20:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.2: Active Interferometric Millimeter-Wave Imaging Using a Sparse Linear Array with Rotational Dynamics

Daniel Chen, Jeffrey Nanzer, Michigan State University, United States
Fri, 10 Dec, 09:00 - 09:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 02:00 - 02:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:00 - 01:20 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 20:00 - 20:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.3: Interferometric Angle Estimation Using Space-Time Modulation and Distributed Arrays

Stavros Vakalis, Jeffrey Nanzer, Michigan State University, United States
Fri, 10 Dec, 09:20 - 09:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:20 - 01:40 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 20:20 - 20:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.4: Towards Classification of Harmonic Micro-Doppler Signatures via a Convolutional Neural Network

Neda Nourshamsi, Jeffrey Nanzer, Michigan State University, United States
Fri, 10 Dec, 09:40 - 10:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 01:40 - 02:00 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 20:40 - 21:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.5: Combined L1-L2 norm based Level Set Variational Born Iterative Method for Microwave Imaging

Yuan Fang, Kazem Bakian-Dogaheh, Mahta Moghaddam, University of Southern California, United States
Tea Break
Fri, 10 Dec, 10:20 - 10:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 02:20 - 02:40 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 21:20 - 21:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.6: An Efficient Progressive Transfer Learning for Low-Frequency Data Prediction in Subsurface Imaging

Yuchen Jin, Yuan Zi, Xuqing Wu, Jiefu Chen, University of Houston, United States; Wenyi Hu, Advanced Geophysical Technology, United States
Fri, 10 Dec, 10:40 - 11:00 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 03:40 - 04:00 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 02:40 - 03:00 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 21:40 - 22:00 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.7: Contrast Source Inversion Based Object Reconstruction Buried in Multi-layerd Background for Microwave Subsurface Imaging

Yoshihiro Yamauchi, Shouhei Kidera, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Fri, 10 Dec, 11:00 - 11:20 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 04:00 - 04:20 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 03:00 - 03:20 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 22:00 - 22:20 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.8: Polarimetry Effect in Three-dimensional Contrast Source Inversion for Microwave Breast imaging

Peixian Zhu, Hayatomomaru Morimoto, Shouhei Kidera, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Fri, 10 Dec, 11:20 - 11:40 Singapore Time (UTC +8)
Fri, 10 Dec, 04:20 - 04:40 France Time (UTC +2)
Fri, 10 Dec, 03:20 - 03:40 UTC
Thu, 9 Dec, 22:20 - 22:40 New York Time (UTC -4)

FR-UB.3A.9: Installed Radar Performance Modelling and Direction of Arrival Estimation for Optimum Radar Placement

Maruf Hossain, Lucas Newton, Niru Nahar, Kubilay Sertel, The Ohio State University, United States; Alebel Arage, Prabin Shrestha, General Motors, United States

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

Nano Dimension / AME Academy

Bronze Sponsors

Microwave Vision Group
Spring Technologies
Dassault Systemes